Watch Me Grow Baby Album Template
It's amazing to me how much a baby changes in their very first year. They go from crying to cooing to babbling and talking. From being carried to rolling, scooting, crawling, and then walking. They go from looking at toys to batting, holding and throwing them. There are so many changes in such a short amount of time that I feel like I need to be capturing every moment on camera or video. When Jodie Lemke, a photography contributor for Beauty Divine, threw out the idea of me doing a "Watch Me Grow" album, I LOVED it! Now each main stage of life can be documented all in one album - newborn, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months & one year. A lot of newborn/children's photographers offer a package for multiple stages and so this album is a great way to wrap it all up at the end of the year. I'm pretty excited to use it for my daughter who will be hitting her three month stage in a few weeks!
Watch Me Grow | Buy Here

This album is definitely customizable to showcase as many or as few stages as you would like. So if you only photograph newborn, 6 month and smash the cake sessions, it should work just fine without the other two stages. This album is designed with baby girls in mind, but a baby boy version is in the works!

My favorite stages are probably the newborn and the 6 month age. What is your favorite baby stage?
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