Tips For An Awesome Summer Routine

Summer is usually that time of year when we think...sleeping in, reading by the pool, long days outside, all play and no work. But occassionally we do have to get SOME things done. The house needs cleaned, laundry needs washed, the business or blog needs running and we'll probably need to eat at some point.   

So now that June is here, it's a perfect time to get into a Summer Routine! 

Here's a few tips to make it awesome... 

The Cleaning

You probably know, I'm cool with a little mess. (Especially on Mondays.) But I did start one rule this summer that has helped things from getting out of control. 

No leaving the house for fun until three things are done. 

Our three things are beds made, clothes off the floor and table cleared of dishes/food. You can choose any cleaning jobs you want but these three help us get off to a good start. It really only takes about 10 minutes every morning to do them and then we can be out the door!

The Working

If your summer days are pretty busy, wake up and work early. (Don't groan! It's really peaceful and cozy in the morning. Try it!) It gets the important tasks done first so it's easier to be flexible the rest of the day. I usually shoot for getting 1-2 hours in before the kids are up.  

The Eating

This is the one time of year we change up our menu guide because it's too hot to have the oven on for long. We tend to stick to fancy salads and sandwiches, wraps, pitas, and easy grilling meals. We also do lots of fresh fruit, veggies, homemade yogurt, and nuts for snacks. Morning smoothies are also an easy breakfast idea. 

The Posting

If you have a blog, give yourself permission to post less often during the summer. If you're always posting really high quality content, you should be able to skip a day here and there. Or refurbish something from your archives. Sometimes less is more. I personally like writing one evening a week (Sundays) and doing three posts at one time. Plan your posts ahead of time to give yourself a little more freedom.  

The Playing

Summers are supposed to be fun! So make room for resting, relaxing and adventures. Don't be the martyr and spend all day inside staring at a computer screen. We try to get out of the house at least once a day (usually late mornings) and go on an adventure at least once a week (usually Saturdays).

I love how the authors of the book, Rework put it, "Working more doesn’t mean you care more or get more done. It just means you work more...Workaholics aren’t heroes. They don’t save the day, they just use it up. The real hero is already home (or at the beach!) because she figured out a faster way to get things done." 

So work quickly and do what you need to do for work, but then put it down. Go outside and play. Start a water balloon fight, read by the pool (or sprinkler!) and soak up the sun.

What are your summer routine secrets?

xo, Laurie


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