Behind the Design | Life 10.13.12
I know it has been AGES since I last did a personal update. Since having baby #2 I have been trying to keep life balanced and so the blog and Facebook page have been the areas that suffer a little. Sorry for the lack of excitement! Haha.
There's another girl in the picture these days:) Our baby girl, Ari is now 4 and a half months old and SO much fun. We are getting our fill of girly squeals, sweet snuggles and lot of fun tiny outfits. I gotta say it's pretty awesome having two and even though my time is a bit more crunched, I'm loving it.

My little man has crossed over into the terrible twos and so while we're teaching him about controlling his temper, he's teaching us about patience;) He is an expert at stacking, sorting, climbing and getting dirty.

I've cut my work time down to about 1-2 hours a day and that means to get anything done, I have to be efficient! I'll have to post a new version of balancing work + family now that things have changed around here. My most favorite reward for getting work done = Iced White Chocolate Dream with whipped cream. Yum!

This fall season, I've been working on designing a variety of different Christmas cards (There's already 40 new designs this year!). I'd love to hear your thoughts and requests for new designs. Are there any looks you love but just can't find?

I also gave the Beauty Divine website a new look and feel. I transitioned over to using Shopify to solve some of the problems we were having with accounts and automatic downloads. Hopefully this will make things much smoother for checking out!
I still don't feel like the new blog is "broke in" without hearing some comments from you! What are you looking forward to this season?